Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Corporate Coffee Whore

Ever wonder what it takes to really climb the corporate ladder? It’s all in the coffee – forget the damn Kool-Aid. What is it about caffeine that makes an individual lose all humility? It must be their horrendous breath and yellowing teeth that make them so attractive and enticing. These people are drawn to one another in a slew of ego love making. Enjoy thirty minutes of the pleasant aroma, a quick stroll through the corporate commons, and share in the benefits of self-gratification. Copy and paste your “accomplishments” on one another and eventually the disease will spread like wild fire. Individuals quickly notice the success rate of the coffee lovers and adapt to the model behavior. Disregard actual merits and invest in illusion. Your name will surely surface above the rest because you have strategically coffeed, cajoled and caressed your way to the top.

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