Sunday, December 17, 2006


Dec. 17th 2006,

At this very moment I am stalling, avoiding, delaying the inevitable…after all working on the weekend feels so unnatural it makes me sick. I hate the sight of my cubicle, but I especially hate the sight of it on a Sunday evening when I should be enjoying the company of a friend or at least a good movie on TBS. Even laundry sounds more fun at this point. One thing gets me through though and that is the fact that soon I will be free. Yes ladies and gentlemen I am taking control of my own destiny and telling “The Man” to take this job and shove it. Merely weeks now separate me from my new found freedom.

This long florescent lighted journey started a year and a half ago. I, like everyone else was wearing the black suit, the smile and the excitement of working for a company that will remain nameless. It makes me laugh when I think about how much I wanted this job, what a joke.

The first couple weeks were a blur, however I remember early on sitting in my cage, I mean cube and thinking “This is it? This is what I went to college for?” And I have felt that way ever since…

This job endures all the Corporate America clichés, people who would push co-workers in to traffic if it gets them promoted, managers that are not leaders, they merely paid their dues and therefore took the next step, and fresh college graduates such as myself who have the energy and desire to succeed and be creative, but are now “stuck” being just like everyone else. I have realized a cube is nowhere for anyone with true aspirations for their life, because if you have a cube you’re most likely just another person in a sea of complacency.

So again, I am getting out; I’m giving up the 401K plan, the nice salary, the downtown apartment and the high heels for my freedom. And it truly is exhilarating to think about. I have two dilemmas at this point however. How do I stay motivated until the day I walk out of that high rise building for the last time and what do I say when I give them my two weeks. After all it’s my one chance to be heard.

My only motivation to get my work done is to not completely fuck over the next warm body that takes my place. I mean how evil would it be to knowingly make the job even worse than it will already be for him or her. “Sigh” They have no idea what they are in for.

As for what to say when I tell them that I am leaving the company, ohhhh the possibilities. When they ask me “Can we ask why you are making the choice to leave?” part of me wants to say something like “Are you kidding me, I can’t believe I’ve made it this long!” or “Life is way to short to be spent in a cube, no offense”. Or maybe I will get deep and talk about how I want my 20s to be meaningful and not spent doing meaningless crap to drive sales to make Johnny CEO a little richer. I can’t believe I ever thought working in Corporate America was a good idea. It’s a place for people who want to be like everyone else, it is not a place for me, someone who strives on being creative and independent. This decision to leave it all behind is going to be the best one I will ever make.

I rather be broke and happy, than rich and corporate.

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